The long process of the LGTB rights has found an expression through the cinema and the life of the Basque gay directors:
Before 1975 censonship did only allow small gay characters to laugh at them.
Eloy de la Iglesia, who was born in Zarautz was the first film director to say openly that he was gay. He also filmed the first gay film «Los placeres ocultos» in 1976. On those years, in Spain being gay still meant that you can be prosecuted and convicted to jail.
Already in 1978, Pedro Olea made his film «Un hombre llamado flor de otoño». A real history about a Catalan advocate during the day and cross-dresser during the night, who tries to kill the Spanish dictator Primo de Rivera.
Imanol Uribe also in his film «La muerte de Mikel» in the 1980s spoke about the sexuality in the middle of a still conservative Basque society in the countryside and his willing to go to the bigger city of Bilbao.
But this is still continouing and in 2009, financed by the Basque Government LGBT support office, Roberto Caston made the film «Ander» filmed in a Basque hidden valley and speaking about a traditional farmer who in his 40s discover his homosexuality.
Have you seen any of them? Please, let me know which one did you like most.